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How Do We Know That You Are Ready For Your
Practice Expand The Box Training?
If you are a Possibilitator who has been in Possibilitator Training for at least 2 years, and,
you have completed at least 10 Possibility Labs with various Trainers, and,
your Possibilitator Specialty has been confirmed as 'Trainer Path', and,
you have been Building Skills and Building Matrix as specified in the section below titled:
you can honestly demonstrate that you have done and can do most of the things on that list,
including the 99 Shifts and the 10 Doorways, and,
someone from the Possibility Management Infinity Ring Trainer Training Node contacts you,
and tells you that the Trainer Training Node thinks that you are ready to deliver your Practice Expand The Box Training...
then, this is a workable situation where you would
contact one of the Possibility Management Infinity Ring Trainer Trainers and arrange with them
to check you out to make sure you are ready, and then to sit in at your official Practice Expand The Box Training.
Your Practice Expand The Box is your Expand The Box solo flight.
To make the solo flight, you must already know know how to Fly.
Your Practice Expand The Box is NOT the time to learn to deliver Expand The Box Training.
You must already be able to do this.
The Trainer-Trainer is there for damage control, in case somehow you fuck up.
Practice Expand The Box Training is you delivering a 3-day transformational guerilla-street-theater process space
alone for 6 participants, with a paid Trainer-Trainer (1000€ plus travel, food, and overnight) sitting in the back of the room
giving you feedback and coaching on every break and often in real time...
(more details are listed below...)
Your Practice Expand The Box is the one-and-only doorway to becoming
an official Expand The Box Trainer and joining the Possibility Management Trainer Guild.
We have discovered these Preparations and Requirements the long hard slow painful way.
Pain is the price we have paid to learn that the Preparations and Requirements are necessary.
They are necessary so that you succeed.
We are not the least bit interested in building up a Fantasy World about you 'being a Certified ETB Trainer'
if, in reality, you are not.
Trainer Path is a Winning Happening game.
PM Trainer-Trainers stack the cards in your favor BEFORE we send you out into the world as an ETB Trainer.
Then the whole world wins when you win.
The PM Infinity Ring Trainer-Training Node wants you to succeed.
A Possibility Management Trainer's Path never ends because there is no top end on an authentic evolutionary Path. The result is that every Active Possibility Management Expand The Box Trainer and Possibility Lab Trainer is on the Trainer Path. Trainer Path is the evolutionary community of Active PM Trainers.
You start being a member of the PM Trainer Path the moment it becomes crystal clear to the Possibility Management Infinity Ring Trainer-Training Node that your Bright Principles and your Archetypal Lineage are simultaneously challenged and fed by ongoingly delivering Expand The Box Trainings and Being A Trainer.
You remain on the Trainer Path until either you become an 'Inactive Expand The Box or Possibility Lab Trainer', or until you fall over dead delivering Thoughtmaps at a flip-chart board during a Training. (Perhaps even after that you are still on Trainer Path...)
While on the Trainer Path you will be continually researching, learning, discovering, expanding, deepening, practicing, documenting, celebrating, and delivering - along with other Trainer Pathers - the Thoughtware, Tools, Distinctions, and Processes of Possibility Management, at the competence level that is appropriate to where you are on the Path.
Being on the Trainer Path is being on the Trainer Path.
Day 1 of Trainer Path is simultaneously Day 1 of Phase 2 of your Possibilitator Training, the 'Specialty Skills Development' part of Possibilitator Training. Phase 1 of Possibilitator Training is essentially the same for every Possibilitator, going through the 10 Doorways. But Phase 2 of Possibilitator Training diverges into learning your Specialty skills.
The procedure to become an Expand The Box Trainer in the context of Possibility Management is clear, simple and definitely not easy.The gateway to being an Expand The Box Trainer is delivering a successful Practice Expand The Box Training.
- 'Successful' means that at the end of your Practice Expand The Box Training, the Trainer-Trainer who is in the room with you gives you a 'Go' to deliver Expand The Box Trainings in the context of Possibility Management, and the other members of the Infinity Ring Trainer-Training Node agree. A Practice Expand The Box is considered successful if you have held in multiple dimension at least 65% of an full Expand The Box Training. The rest you will learn as you keep delivering Expand The Box Trainings.
- 'Practice' means that you receive ongoing Feedback And Coaching for 3 days and nights on what works in your Spaceholding and Space Navigating, what does not work.
- Delivering a successful Practice Expand The Box Training is NOT about 'being able to draw maps on a flip-chart board', or 'give instructions to your participants as they sit in groups of three doing processes'. These, of course, are necessary skills to deliver your Practice Expand The Box, BUT THEY ARE INSUFFICIENT. Your Trainer-Trainer at your Practice Expand The Box will be evaluating the quality of the many other important skills.
- Delivering a successful Practice Expand The Box requires a Shift Of Identity, which is initiated by a shift of your Point Of Origin into Radical Responsibility for Being The Space through which your Bright Principles and your Archetypal Lineage work through you from the Source of Expand The Box Training in such a way as to cause Expand The Box Training to occur. It is this Shift Of Identity that your Trainer-Trainer will sense as they sit with you for 3 days.
Trainer Path is an Archetypal journey of Healing and Transforming your Box and Gremlin's Blocks, resistances, Triggers, Reactivity, and Hidden Competing Commitments. It is the journey through Flux Points, Breakdowns, Ego State Decontaminations, gaining Mage Skills, multiple Phoenix Processes, untold numbers of Emotional Healing Processes (EHP), authentic Adulthood and Archetypal Initiations, feedback and coaching from your Teams, all designed to help you build the Matrix necessary for your Being and Presence to create and Navigate a 3-day Practice Expand The Box.
Consider that between the moment you enter the Trainer Path and the moment you are ready enough to be asked to deliver your Practice Expand The Box, the time that passes will probably be at the least TWO YEARS. Anything less than this suspiciously involves some kind of self-deception on your part or our part.
By preparing yourself to deliver a Practice Expand The Box, you change your relationship to the Universe. This forces the Universe to change its relationship with you. As you take Radical Responsibility for many things that you were taking almost no responsibility about before in your life, we offer you a few warnings to consider:
It is possible that soon after you Declare your Intentions to join the Trainer Path Specialty of Possibilitator Training you experience a rapid crash and burn. This experience of recoil and self-sabotage is your Box and Gremlin doing their jobs: insuring that you survive by continuing to do things in your familiar ways. Evolution is not on their list of Survival Strategies. Your Box and Gremlin will automatically do anything in their power to compromise your ability to Hold Transformational Space, or be a force of Evolution and Love. If this is the case, do not panic, do not make huge conclusions, do not make sudden moves. Your Box and Gremlin will eventually shape around your new commitment of becoming an Expand The Box Trainer. Extended warning: this could happen multiple times on your Path.
WARNING #2:If when you read the paragraphs above, your Box starts thinking: 'I will never make it', 'This is not for me', 'I never wanted to be an Expand The Box Trainer anyway', or, 'I give up now', please write these sentences down exactly, and take them to your Trainer Path members, your 3Cell, or members of your Possibility Team to go through these Emotional Healing Processes. It is completely appropriate that your Box freaks out. Your Box cannot deliver an Expand The Box. But you can.
SPECIAL NOTE: If when you read the two paragraphs above, you - your Gremlin - says: 'I don't want to wait two years!', 'I am already ready!', 'Two years is too long!', 'I don't want to wait around for somebody else to tell me I am ready!', then quite probably, your Gremlin Ego State is contaminating your Adult Ego State. Please start immediately your Decontamination process in the company of a Decontamination Coach (someone who has successfully gone through the Decontamination Process themselves) and your Decontamination Team. Do not stop working fiercely at your own Decontamination until your Adult Ego State is fully Decontaminated. Decontaminating your Adult Ego State from Parent, Child, Gremlin, or Demon contaminations usually takes at least one-and-a-half-years of steady work with strong ongoing support. WE ARE NOT JOKING ABOUT THIS. A person with a contaminated Adult Ego State has no access to Presence, no access to archetypal spaces, no access to authentic intimacy, and no access to serving as a Possibility Management Trainer. As long as your Adult Ego State is contaminated to any measurable degree by your Gremlin (or Child or Parent or Demon) Ego States, you do not have the Attention, Conscious Will, Vulnerability and Clarity necessary to deliver Expand The Box Trainings.
If you embark on this magnificent evolutionary journey of Trainer Path, I am sad to say that it does not guarantee that you will ever have the chance to deliver a Practice Expand The Box or Expand The Box Trainings. Not everybody who starts out on this journey makes it. Being an Expand The Box Trainer is not for everyone. There is no guarantee.
That being said, it would not be an actual Quest journey if we promised you a guarantee of success, would it?
There are very few places where you can still embark on an authentic initiatory journey. Most diplomas and certificates today can be bought or obtained with minimum real effort. The journey to deliver your Practice Expand The Box, and thereafter Expand The Box Trainings, is an authentic initiatory journey. It has a clear beginning - entering the Trainer Path, and has no end.WARNING #4:
Please embark on this Evolutionary journey only if your 5-Body-system aligns with your Intention to deliver Expand The Box Trainings after your successful Practice Expand The Box Training. If you are trying to accomplish 'certification' as some trophy to put on your wall, for status, for a cool thing to list in your CV, for prestige or fame... your lack of authenticity will deceive both you and our gameworld. This is not fun for us. We will be watching out for this.
We have come to see that E.C.C.O. (Earth Coincidence Control Office) has its own plan for each of us. It is possible that, after delivering a few Expand The Box trainings, E.C.C.O. may take you on a completely divergent path. We are aware that this sometimes happens. Such a Path shift is E.C.C.O.'s business. We are not asking for a life commitment to Expand The Box or Possibility Management. However, we are asking for Radical Honesty about what is your purpose for preparing yourself to deliver a Practice Expand The Box.
It would be irresponsible on our part (in this case the term 'our' refers to the Possibility Management Infinity Ring Trainer-Trainer Node - who are also members of the Trainer-Trainer Training School) to not give you thorough WARNINGS about becoming an Expand The Box Trainer. We do not take the miracle of becoming an Expand The Box Trainer lightly, and we check to see that you do not either.
Our Guardianship ('Guardianship' as in the Maori term 'Kaitiaki') is a demonstration of our care for you as a human being in service of Gaia, and a care for the global gameworld of Possibility Management.On the Trainer Path you stand at the edge, being radically vulnerable, while at the same time holding your flaming Sword Of Clarity at the throat of rooms full of Gremlins reflexively trying to eat you alive to maintain their status quo. Over-and-over again, you will Pull The Rug Out from under their feet in order to create Healing and Transformational Spaces for landing new distinctions, memes, tools, and experiences in their 5 Bodies. Causing Transformation will burn-to-ashes any remaining attachments you have to your own Box Identifications and Survival Strategies. If you slip up, if you unleash your so-well-rehearsed survival strategies in an Expand The Box space, you risk losing the entire Training to the unconscious and desperate purposes of your participants' Boxes and Gremlins. We DO NOT want this to ever happen for you.
Trainings work when you hold such a degree of Liquidness that you are defenseless. But there is a risk in that. The risk is that your unconscious elements might recoil. Your Box and Gremlin might freak out and grab for the controls of your life. They might make you hate Possibility Management, or hate the Trainer-Trainers, or hate your feedback and coaching Teams. The risk is that 'evolutionary overwhelm' causes you to slam the door on your service to Gaia. We DO NOT want that to happen. We want you to succeed, however long it might take for you to be properly ready. There is no maximum time frame for your preparation.
We also care for the quality of the gameworld of Possibility Management. Over and over again participants in Expand The Box Trainings and Possibility Labs have experienced the extreme safety and simultaneous incorruptibility of Possibility Management Spaces. This is a legend that has grown for decades about Possibility Management. It is also the purpose of Possibility Management to provide such spaces in a global landscape where it is (too) easy for unlucky Participants to fall into the grips of a well-marketed but abusive irresponsible new-age tantric guru shaman free-love kabalistic block-chain drumming plant-medicine improvisational-contact-dance sect. An Expand The Box Trainer is required to develop an intense clarity about all this, and the ability to stare the Demon in the eyes and take him to the ground the instant that might ever become necessary.
Delivering an Expand The Box Training requires a mature level of Presence, Being, Connection, Love for other Beings and Gaia, as well as a Flaming Sword of Clarity, an Incorruptible Bullshit Detector, and access to Unreasonable and Nonlinear Possibility.
We care that you keep your Word, that you uphold this level of Integrity, and that you courageously deliver your services within the consciously evolving Gaian Gameworld of Possibility Management. We care that this level of impeccability and Accountability is carried long into future generations of Expand The Box Trainers.An actual Expand The Box Trainer cares about this too.
This list was revised on 8 October 2022.
All Possibility Management Trainers - this means Possibilitator Training Trainer Path Specialists, ETB Apprentice Trainers, ETB Trainers, PLab Apprentice Trainers, and PLab Trainers) are on the Trainer Path, because a Trainer's Path never ends. There is 'no top end' on the Trainer Path. It does not work to think you are a Possibility Trainer and not be on the Trainer Path.
The Trainer Path does NOT include Inactive Trainers, or Trainers who are delivering predominantly mixed-context work. An 'Inactive ETB Trainer' is an ETB Trainer who has NOT delivered an online-or-offline ETB during the previous 12 months. An 'Inactive PLab Trainer' is a PLab Trainer who has NOT delivered an in-person PLab during the previous 12 months.
HINT: Check with your 3Cell, your Possibility Coach, your Possibilitator colleagues, and your Possibility Team multiple times about how you are doing with each of the following elements on this list of Practice Expand The Box qualifications BEFORE you trouble your Trainer Path Team with giving you feedback and coaching about these things.
NOTE: Many Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) may be required for you to become a person who can become a qualification which you have been avoiding.
- COMMIT TO TRAINER PATH: Get ready to discover that you do not know how to Commit. Get ready to face into your clever strategies for avoiding Radical Responsibility through avoiding Commitment, avoiding Taking A Stand, avoiding giving Your Word, avoiding Integrity, avoiding Accountability. Your destiny lights up as you Commit to the Possibilitator Specialty of the Trainer Path.
- RADICALLY RELATE WITH OTHER TRAINER PATHERS: You use Collaborative Communication to Radically Relate with the other Trainer Pathers. Giving feedback and coaching is NOT collaboratively communication. Giving feedback and coaching is keeping yourself away and unconcerned with the transformational journey of your Trainer colleague. Pressure Rapid Learning is a useful skill in a fast training environment to try as many different behaviours as you can, it is not a tool to radically relate with other Trainers.
- COMPLETE THE POSSIBILITATOR TRAINING 10 DOORWAYS: You complete the 10 Doorways of Possibilitator Training.
MEMORIZE THE TRAINER PATH GAMEWORLD CODEX AND RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: You literally memorize the contents of the following 4 websites made specifically to support you on the Trainer Path:
- PARTICIPATE ENTHUSIASTICALLY IN TRAINER PATH OPPORTUNITIES: You regularly participate in Trainer Path calls, Trainer Path Labs, Trainer Research Days, etc.
- PARTICIPATE ENTHUSIASTICALLY IN AT LEAST 10 POSSIBILITY LABS: On the Trainer Path, you actively participate in a minimum of 10 Possibility Labs with different Trainers around the world over a period of 2-4 years. PLabs are where you integrate the distinctions and thoughtmaps of Possibility Management into practical use in your 5-Bodies for you daily life. Somewhere along the path (often after Possibility Lab #6 or #7) you will hopefully relocate your Point Of Origin into the context of Extraordinary (Radical Responsibility, Unhookability, Radical Relating, High Drama, etc.) and simply refuse to move it back. This might make you think that you have gotten all you can from PLabs. What we have found is that by doing Possibility Labs #8, #9, #10, you start gaining access to the Archetypal Domains. The processes you go through in Expand The Box Trainings and Possibility Labs are authentic adulthood initiatory processes. If you do not experience each adulthood initiation personally yourself, how useful would you be trying to Navigate these processes for someone else? The alchemist takes her own medicine before giving it to her client.
- PARTICPATE ENTHUSIASTICALLY IN 10 ADDITIONAL EXPAND THE BOX TRAININGS: In Trainer Path, you participate in a minimum of 10 additional Expand The Box trainings, in various locations with various Trainers, at least 5 of these as an Apprentice Expand The Box Trainer at the side of an already certified Expand The Box Trainer. Each Expand The Box Training is unique in and of itself, AND it is also unique for you, because you are evolving. Expand The Box Training is full of Distinctions and Initiations. During your first Expand The Box Training you might 'get' 10-20% of the Distinctions offered. You will most probably totally forget some Thoughtmaps. In each Expand The Box Training, you dive deeper into the brilliance and potential of each of the 40 Thoughtmaps delivered in ETB. Participating in Expand The Box Trainings as an Apprentice Expand The Box Trainer includes that you have negotiated with the certified Expand The Box Trainer to have meetings during breaks where you ask authentic questions, ask for and receive possibility for you to be even more at risk, and take any opportunity to deepen your own Expand The Box context.
- KEEP PARTICIPATING IN PLABS: You continue participating is further Possibility Labs and Specialty Labs even while you are delivering Expand The Box trainings.
- EARN 2000 MATRIX POINTS IN STARTOVER.XYZ: You have registered over 2000 Matrix Points in the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline matrix-building thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation true-life adventure-game.
- READ POSSIBILITATOR BOOKS: You have read over 100 of the more than 250 recommended books from
- WATCH POSSIBILITATOR FILMS: You have watched over 200 of the more than 350 recommended films from
- SERVE IN ALL 4 ARCHETYPAL LINEAGES: A Possibility Trainer is a Generalist, not a Specialist. Some people think that a 'Jack-Of-All-Trades is the Master of none.' This means they are afraid to realize that a Jack-Of-All-Trades is a Master of the Jack-Of-All-Trades Trade. Use Feedback and Coaching to find out which of the 4 Archetypal Lineages you are weakest in, and do whatever it takes to gain the necessary skills to ongoingly create valuable results in all 4 Archetypal Lineage categories: Guardian, Village Weaver, Evolutionary, and Gameworld Builder. Learning these skills will undoubtedly necessitate numerous EHPs and Go-Beep-Shift-Go sessions with real-time feedback and coaching from your Teams.
- YOUR WEBSITE: You have already built your own Possibilitator Trainer Path website with your articles, your videos, your WorkTalks and Workshops, and the services you provide.
- WRITE YOUR ARTICLES: You are already writing and publishing at least one 3-5 page Article each month relating to Possibility Management experiences, possibilities, distinctions, healings, discoveries, etc.
- POSSIBILITY TEAM: You have already been Navigating both Nonlinear and Unreasonable Space at your own weekly online-or-offline Possibility Team or Study Group for more than one year. Start with two or three people if you have to. There are many options in Possibility Team. For example, each week you can read one S.P.A.R.K. and do the S.P.A.R.K. experiments together. During the week, keep doing the experiment. The following week check-in about the results and insights your team has during the week. Then do the next SPARK. There are over 230 SPARKs in English, enough for more than 4 years.
- EMOTIONAL HEALING INTENSIVE: At some point early on during your Trainer Path you arrange a Team of EHP Spaceholders (something around 6 EHP facilitators, and perhaps also reserve a place in an EHP Dojo) to rotate being 'on-duty' for you 24 hours a day for a minimum of two weeks so that you can do an Emotional Healing Intensive, which is Noticing and immediately use EVERY Emotion that arises as a Doorway for an Emotional Healing Process right then. No delay. No procrastination. It does not matter if your next emotion comes 5 minutes after completing your most recent EHP, you alert your Team and you go through your Process immediately. Trust the Process! Be SURE to make abundant notes in your Beep! Book to track all that comes up and all that happens, including date, time, Spaceholder(s), triggers, emotions that arise, Voices in your head, old decisions, new decisions, Energetic Blocks banished, Energetic Parts retrieved, and a clear formulation of your new or modified Practices. Writing it all down is exceptionally important. If you don't write it down, it did not happen.
- GREMLIN TRANSFORMATION: You have Transformed your Gremlin with the guidance of a paid Gremlin Transformation Coach to be at your side as an agent of Radical Clarity and Nonlinear Possibility. This is a one-year Process. Your Gremlin sits at your side as an ally in daily life.
- ADULT EGO STATE DECONTAMINATIONS: Thoroughly Decontaminate your Adult Ego State from your Child, Parent, Gremlin, and Demon Ego States under the guidance of a paid Decontamination Coach. This is a two-year Process. The decontamination process includes recovering from the addiction of Gremlin Violence, Gremlin Self-Cannibalism and Dramaholism.
- RAGE CLUB: After participating in your first Expand The Box Training, attend an Introduction to Rage Club. Then participate in an online-or-offline Rage Club (4-8 week Series) including the 3-3-3 Anger Practice . Then deliver 5 Rage Club Intro WorkTalks yourself. Then apply to participate in a Rage Club Spaceholder Training (6-8 weeks). Then start delivering your own online-or-offline Rage Clubs (4-8 weeks). We strongly suggest that from time-to-time you join another Trainer's Rage Club again as a participant so as to keep deepening your Context and building your own Matrix about Rage, Space Navigating, and Transformation.
- FEAR CLUB: After participating in your first Rage Club, attend an Introduction to Fear Club. Then participate in an online-or-offline Fear Club (4-8 week Series) including the 3-3-3 Fear Practice. Then deliver 5 Fear Club Intro WorkTalks yourself. Then apply to participate in a Fear Club Spaceholder Training (6-8 weeks). Then start delivering your own online-or-offline Fear Clubs (4-8 weeks). We strongly suggest that from time-to-time you join some other Trainer's Fear Club again as a participant so as to keep deepening your Context and building your own Matrix about Fear, Space Navigating, and Transformation.
- BUILD YOUR CIRCLE: You build up Your Circle to at least 700 readers on your mailing list (not just dead email addresses, but actual readers who open your messages) to whom you send your monthly Newsletter. (We estimate that at most 3% of your Circle will be ready to enroll in your Expand The Box training at any one time. 700 x .03 = 21 paid ETB participants)
- ESCAPE THE 8 PRISONS: You have already escaped the 8 Prisons, in reality, not in your imagination. We will test you.
- BECOME A GLOBAL CITIZEN: You have already become a Global Citizen and a Cultural Creative by traveling on foot and with backpack alone through South East Asia or Africa for a minimum of 6 – 24 months.
- FIND YOUR BRAIN COLOR: You know what Brain Color is dominant in your head, and you can identify and relate with the other brain colors well.
- LIVE IN EXPERIENTIAL REALITY: You have already shifted out of Verbal Reality and live in Experiential Reality.
- YOU HAVE ENTERED ADULTHOOD: Your Mother and Father are truly behind you as your Ancestors so that you have already entered the domain of Adulthood.
- STELLATED ALL 4 FEELINGS: You have Stellated all 4 Feelings and turned on your Feelings Archetypes in your daily life.
- THE WALL: You have faced The Wall.
- FLOOR PROCESSES: You have gone through, and also navigated for others, all 13 Floor Processes.
- REACTIVITY: You have dismantled your Reactivity.
- BECAME UNHOOKABLE: You are essentially Unhookable through using your 13 Tools in your daily life.
- LIVE IN ARCHIARCHAL ECONOMICS: You are delivering enthuastically and unreasonably your Nonmaterial Value that you do not have time for your corporate job and live in Archiarchal Economics because you are already making more than enough money to thrive (not just survive…) at the fringes of modern culture through delivering paid:
- Worktalks.
- Workshops.
- Completing Incomplete Emotions Parties.
- Individual online-or-offline Possibility Coaching sessions (5/week).
- Rage Clubs.
- Fear Clubs.
- Gremlin Transformations.
- Adult Ego State Decontaminations.
- COLLABORATIVE RELATING WITH A PARTNER: What is your life truly like behind closed doors? Being a Possibility Trainer is not a show, it is a lifestyle. In this day and age, everybody is crazy. How can you experience sanity in modern culture's insane gameworlds with all those other insane naked monkeys? The way is through Collaborative Relating. If you are Accountable, if you do Completion Loops, if you can consciously Listen, if you actually do what you say you are going to do in Integrity, if you have made your Relating Space into a Gremlin-Free Zone, if you Say What You Want, if you Make Boundaries, are not Adaptive, refuse to do Low Drama, and refuse to be Abused, you are doing Collaborative Relating. 'The proof is in the pudding', so they say, and the pudding shows up at home behind closed doors. You have Evolved your Relating to the Adulthood level with your partner… which implies that you are relating with a partner. If you are not living with a partner, start by reading S.P.A.R.K. 157.
- TECHNOPENURIAPHOBIA HEALING: You have escaped from Technopenuriaphobia because you can sleep outside in the forest or desert alone for three nights, you can start a fire by rubbing 2 stick together (and 5 other ways without matches or a lighter), you can identify and eat dandelions, you can drive a stick-shift manual-transmission vehicle and can change a flat tire, you can cook a feast for 13 people, you can juggle 3 things, you can sing a song, you can find the North Star or the Southern Cross, you carry the Death Prayer and can deliver it.
- HEAL FROM SCHOOL: There are so many countless wounds and scars that you carry from modern culture schooling, so much wasted time, so much lost potential. It takes tremendous courage, but you can do it: Heal From School.
- PIRATE JOKES: You can tell the 6 Pirate Jokes so they land in the Space.
- SKILLED IN FIRST AID AND HANDLING EMERGENCIES: You carry a valid Red Cross First Aid Certification card that includes training in Artificial Resuscitation and the proper use of a Defibrillator.
- TORUS MEETING TECHNOLOGY AND PROCESSES: Modern culture functions using hierarchical organizations. This is a terribly costly design error. Hierarchy guarantees hijacking from psychopaths, because the personality who can best do whatever it takes to gain a position of power is the psychopath. You refuse to participate in hierarchical spaces, and can replace any hierarchy with a toroidal meeting. You carry a Purple Card for use in Torus Technology meetings and you can liberate creative chaos using Torus Meeting processes. You are already implementing Torus Technology in the gameworlds you participate in, including Torus Technology Thoughtmaps, tools, and Processes.
- ARCHIARCHY KIVA: You have joined the Archiarchy Kiva Team and have moved at least 100€ of your own money to circulate around the world in 25€ rotating microloans through the Archiarchy Kiva Team.
- ECOVILLAGE UNDERWORLDS: You have become less naïve through living in one Ecovillage for at least 3 months and visiting several others to get a taste of the Upperworld, Middleworld, and Underworld of Gaian Gameworlds.
- COLLABORATIVE GAMEWORLD BUILDING: You have started to build out new gamespace in the Possibility Management global gameworld as a Bridge to Archiarchy through delivering your services.
- CAVITATE, HOLD AND NAVIGATE RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY SPACES: You can already Cavitate, Hold and Navigate Space that is Contexted in Radical Responsibility.
- SET CONTEXT FOR HEALING AND INITIATION: You can already Set Context for and Navigate 3 Phase Healing Liquid States and Adulthood Initiatory Processes in Transformational Space.
- EXITED SELF-REFERENCING SPACEHOLDING: You have expanded your restricting sphincters to the degree that your Bright Principles and Archetypal Lineage are not limited to work through your worldwiew, your own experiences. Your Bright Principles and Archetypal Lineage come through inhibited.
- DISTINCTIONARY.XYZ: You have read and studies the Distinctionary all the way through at least once.
- LANDING DISTINCTIONS IN SPACES: You can land the definitions for Patriarchy, Psychopath, Zombie, Archiarchy, Possibilitator, Nonmaterial Value, Gremlin, and Radical Responsibility in any training Space.
- MORE THAN 100 S.P.A.R.K.s: You have Studied and done the Experiments in more than 100 S.P.A.R.K.s, and you have registered the S.P.A.R.K. Matrix Codes in your free account at
- A LIFE OF LEARNING: You have created for yourself a Life Of Learning even if your mother does not understand.
- A LIFE OF PRACTICE: You have created for yourself a Life Of Practice even if it drives your father crazy.
- GETTING RID OF YOUR BAGGAGE: You have offloaded 50% of your Baggage that has built up over the years, consisting of Assumptions, Beliefs, Conclusions, Confusion, Denial, Expectations, Fear Of Connection, Judgements, Justifications, Lying, Manipulation, Positionality, Prejudices, Projections, Reactivity, Reasons, Resentment, Revenge, Self Deception, and Stories.
- MEMETIC ENGINEERING: You understand Memetics and can deliver Memetic Engineering to locate and transform Memetic Constructs such as Beliefs, Brain Splits, Mind Machines, Healing From Monogamy, and other Baggage.
- CLOSED THE CAFÉ: You have permanently closed the vampire demon Café and are an active Trigger Hunter.
- EXITED YOUR FANTASY WORLDS: You have already banished over 90% of the vampire Fantasy Worlds sucking out your life energy causing you to be naïve and diminished.
- POSSIBILITY COACHING SESSIONS: You deliver online-and-offline Possibility Coaching sessions with an average of 5 paid clients per week.
- RETRIEVED YOUR BALLS AND YOUR CENTER: You have permanently taken your Balls back from your mother and your Center back from your father.
- LEAVE PATRIARCHY, BECOME ARCHAN: You have Shifted Your Identity, relocated your Point Of Origin, moved out of Patriarchy, and are already an Archan.
- OWNING YOUR BOX PROGRAMMING: You know which of the 18 Standard Boxes you cobbed together to create your Box's primary Survival Strategy, and through Self Observation you know your Parts. You are bringing your various Identities into a singular 'I', and you own your Box. Your Box's Nits do not take over your life or your relating anymore.
- SHIFTED IDENTITY TO TRAINER: You love, and are fed, nurtured, and endlessly inspired by Being A Trainer, especially outside of training spaces. This is not something you force on yourself. It is not work. It is home, finally. The world is yours to play in, to create valuable results. You look into your eyes in the mirror and you see standing there a Possibility Trainer.
- JACKED INTO THE SOURCE OF THE THOUGHTMAPS: You have jacked-in to the Source of each of the 40 to 50 core Thoughtmaps of Expand The Box Training – and can deliver them without using 'cheat' cards or notes. You do not own the Thoughtmaps only from your mind, but rediscover each Thoughtmap anew each time you deliver it, from the Source of each Thoughtmap, so that each Thoughtmap lands fresh in the Training Space and in each Participant's 5 Bodies.
- JACKED INTO THE SOURCE OF THE PROCESSES: You have jacked-into the Source of each of the Processes necessary for a Training Space to be called an Expand The Box Training. The Spaces that you Navigate and the Processes you deliver are clear and strong enough to qualify your people to participate in Possibility Labs.
- CREATIVE COLLABORATION RATHER THAN RIGHT / WRONG OR GOOD / BAD: Your relating and collaborating ongoingly emerges from the Adulthood context of "Yes, and..." creative collaboration, Invention, and Improvising, rather than still being at your parent's home or back in school, desperately looking for the 'right answer' so you do not get punished again. Instead, you remain totally amazed, and you Improvise from the Free And Natural Adult Ego State.
- CULTURE-TO-CULTURE CONVERSATION: You remain Centered in First Position and respect your own Culture at least as much as - and perhaps a little more than - you respect the Culture / Gameworld / Context of others.
- THROUGH THE EYE OF THE NEEDLE: You can build a solid foundation in your Participants of Distinctions, Matrix, and Liquid States to be able to fully engage and integrate the results of the authentic adulthood and archetypal initiatory processes delivered in Possibility Labs. In other words, you bring ETB participants through the Eye Of The Needle into an ecstatic life of evolution, discovery, healing, and transformation.
- PRACTICAL GENEROSITY: After you sucessfully deliver your Practice Expand The Box, you pay the €650 fee for having your Trainer profile on
The reason why all these skills, all these processes, all these precisions, all these books and films, all these websites, all these experiments, and all this Matrix-Building is so important is that exactly these resources are required to deliver Expand The Box Trainings. How do we know this? We learned it the long, slow, hard, painful way from decades of delivering Expand The Box trainings! Exactly these things are what prepare you to deal with what actually is going on in Expand The Box Trainings. You gaining these capacities is what makes it safe and possible for healing and transformation to occur in reality in Expand The Box.
These Qualifications are copied from (revised 1 May 2022)
Practice Expand The Box Training: Rules of Engagement
- a 3-day Expand The Box training
- delivered by yourself (NOT in pairs)
- to a maximum (and minimum) of exactly 6 participants, including 2 or 3 Expand The Box repeaters
- for no tuition fee for the participants (they pay for their own food and overnight)
- in the presence of a Trainer-Trainer giving you ongoing real-time Beep! Shift! Go! Feedback and Coaching
- for a payment of 1000 Euros fee (+tax+travel+food+overnight) to the Trainer-Trainer
- at the end of which you will receive a 'Beep-Shift-Go' (meaning this was NOT a successful Practice Expand The Box Training) or a 'Go' from the Trainer Trainer that you are on your way to the next level of the Trainer Path gameworld.
A 3-day Expand The Box starts at 9AM on the first day (often a Friday) and ends at 6PM on the third day (often a Sunday). The first and second day each contain 5 sessions of approximately 1h50min each, separated by a break. The first two days end around 10PM. The third day contains 4 sessions of about 1h50min eachm and ends around 6PM.
During an Expand The Box Training, you deliver a minimum of:- the following 40 Expand The Box thoughtmaps:
- Welcome Map
- Map of New Results
- Map of Maps (Map of Thoughtware)
- Old/New Map of Decisions, or Old/New Map of Having This or That
- Old/ New Map of Responsibility
- Map of Responsibility and Culture
- Map of Box Technology (with Gremlin)
- Map of Liquid State
- Map of 5 Bodies
- Red Pill/Blue Pill
- Map of Rapid Learning
- Map of Feedback & Coaching
- Treasure Map
- Map of 3 Games
- Map of Centering
- Map of Low Drama
- Map of Listening
- Map of Linear/ Nonlinear
- Map of Speaking
- Map of Numbness Bar
- Old Map of Feelings
- New Map of Feelings
- Map of Mixed Emotions
- Map of Ego States
- Map of Communication
- Map of Problem Ownership
- Map of Learning Spiral
- Map of Stories
- Map of Is-Glue
- Map of Is-Glue Dissolver
- Map of 3 Powers
- Map of Box is Optional
- Map of Black Hole
- Map of Defensive / Expansive Learning
- Map of Stellating
- Map of 3 Worlds
- Map of Bridges To Archiarchy
- Map of Possibility
- Map of 13 Tools
- Map of 7 Core Skills
- Rapid Learning Process
- Centering Processes (at least 3 different forms)
- Low Drama Process
- Neurotic/Possibility Listening Process
- Nonlinear Possibility Story Process
- Possibility Speaking Process
- 12 Roadblocks and Completion Loop Process
- Low Level Feelings Circle
- Standing Rage Process
- Possibility Team
- Victim/Responsible Story Process
- Declaring (3 powers) Process
- Gremlin Hunting & Initiation
- Black Hole Initiation
- Box and Being Process (with at least 5 rounds)
All the processes listed above must be delivered for the space to be considered a Practice Expand The Box Training. The minimum of what is delivered does not depend on what the participants can hold. Each participant holds what they can hold. It is your job to have this conversation with your participants who are not ready to go into a Possibility Lab.
A Practice Expand The Box is delivered alone. You are the Trainer.
We discovered that when delivering a Practice Expand The Box in pairs, both Apprentice Trainers actually miss out on the necessary experience of 'knowing' that you can deliver by yourself any and all of the 40 Expand The Box Maps, and Hold Space for any of the Expand The Box processes. If there is another Apprentice Trainer delivering their Practice Expand The Box with you, you would always wonder if you can really do it alone.One of the Practice Expand The Box Trainers always hides behind the other, using the other Trainer as crutches, tricking the other Trainer to deliver Thoughtmaps and Processes that you don't know, or think your don't know. It does not work.
When you start delivering your full Expand The Box Trainings, it is valuable to partner with another certified Expand The Box Trainer or certified Expand The Box Apprentice Trainer. We especially recommend creating partnerships between a Woman Expand The Box Trainer and a Man Expand The Box Trainer. You can then practice Creative Collaboration between an Archetypally Initiated Woman and an Archetypally Initiated Man and demonstrate Archiarchy in action to your participants. You can discover in person, in reality, the ecstasy of co-creating and navigating transformational spaces in Archiarchy.ABOUT THE 6 PARTICIPANTS OF YOUR PRACTICE EXPAND THE BOX TRAINING
The Practice Expand The Box is delivered to 6 participants maximum (and minimum), including 2 Expand The Box repeaters (see below 'No Financial Cost For The Participants' for clarification about the repeaters).
The maximum limit of 6 participants is a protection for you to not 'burn' through your circle of potential Expand The Box participants by give them a free-to-participate pass. It might be tempting to offer a large number of people the possibility to access such amazing possibilities for no monetary cost. This strategy is guaranteed to turn around and bite you in the ass with a vengeance. We know what we are talking about. We learned it the hard way.Expand The Box is amazing. Your participants need to sacrifice something in order to create space in themselves to receive the value of Expand The Box. For people who were born and raised in modern culture, paying the full tuition fee is the best sacrifice that we have found.
Wanting to deliver Expand The Box for free brings up this question: What in you avoids taking a stand for the amazingness of your service and receiving compensation for the value for it? Giving your services away for free disrespects the journey that you have taken to be where you are. If asking for the true value of your service is where you are blocked, please ask for as many Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) as needed for you to Take A Stand for the Stand that you take.
6 participants is also a minimum number for your Practice Expand The Box. This is because for a transformational space to be efficient, it needs a certain amount of energy to run on. 6 people brings the energy necessary for the Practice Expand The Box space to be alive and for you to experience working with different kinds of Boxes and Gremlins.
Last but not least, if you struggle to gather 6 people from your circle to access - for free! - the transformational power of Expand The Box training, how in hell do you think you will be able to enroll a full Expand The Box Training with 25 participants paying full price?If you are stuck at gathering even 6 participants from your Circle to support you during your Practice Expand The Box Training, please do the Emotional Healing Processes that block you from standing up, being seen, being visible, becoming big, speaking out, being different, being powerful and clear, AND THEN, start over building Your Circle up to the recommended beginning size of 700 recipients of your monthly newsletter.
The 6 participants of your Practice Expand The Box do not pay any tuition to participate. However, they do cover their food and lodging expenses themselves.
The value exchanged with you during your Practice Expand The Box is their Attention, their Authentic Necessity, and their Feedback and Coaching. This means that at the end each session, you reserve 10 minutes for your Team of participants to give you Feedback and Coaching about what worked, what did not work, and what you could try different next time to create better results in your transformational spaceholding. Then check-in with your Trainer-Trainer on the break about what they said.Ask your Participants to coach everything:
- Your facial expressions.
- Your posture.
- Your gestures.
- The way you move through space.
- Your tone, intensity, insinuation, and other qualities of your voice.
- Your contact with them.
- Your Space Holding and Nonlinear Space Navigating.
- The way you Roll The Energy (or get petrified, or try to control the energy instead of 'rolling' it).
- The way you Flow Power (or withhold Flowing Power).
- Your humor (or lack of it… or your Gremlin’s use of it…)
- Your conscious or unconscious Intentions and Purposes.
- Your vocabulary and speaking skills.
- Your writing and drawing skills.
- Your ability to Split Your Attention: being able to write and Hold Space and land Distinctions in the Space at the same time.
- Your ability to deliver clear instructions for the exercises.
- Your clarity of Space Navigating, i.e. making it safe to be vulnerable and take risks.
- Your ways of dealing with the other Gremlins in the room.
- The way you manage the logistical details of the Training to enhance the Drala (the magical energy) of the Space.
- The way you are not being the 'Alpha-Male' in the space, creating space for others to show up in extraordinary ways.
- The way you include the 'last guy' and get the 'non-talkers' to talk, while keeping the 'over-talkers' from taking over the Space with 'blah-blah' .
- Etc.
Even if you do not understand what they say, and especially if you do not agree with what they say, write down what they say (their exact words... not what you think they are saying) in your Beep! Book so it is available for you to review at a later date when you are not so identified with your Box and your Gremlin.
This is the importance of having 2 Expand The Box training repeaters as Participants. They have already had the experience of an Expand The Box Training, so they have more Distinctions and clearer perspectives on your Spaceholding and hence more precise and accurate feedback.Your 6 participants do not receive an official Expand The Box graduation certificate from participating in your Practice Expand The Box. They will NOT, therefore, be qualified to go to Possibility Labs from participating in your Practice Expand The Box Training.
The 6 participants participating in your Practice Expand The Box are granted the possibility of participating in an official Expand The Box Training (your own, or an Expand The Box delivered by other Possibility Management Trainers) for half of the regular price, as is customary in the PM Gameworld for anyone doing their second Expand The Box training (with further reductions for additional ETBs... as specified in the Trainer Guild Codex) and after completing THAT Expand The Box training they will receive certification to attend Possibility Labs. It is your job to clearly explain these conditions to each of your participants BEFORE they attend your Practice Expand The Box, so that there are no confusions down the line.
If you decide to rent a Training space for your Practice Expand The Box, you must pay for that yourself. However, we recommend you to keep your expenses low. The Practice Expand The Box is easily done in someone's private house. We also recommend that you cook for yourselves, so as to keep the food expenses to a minimum also.IN THE PRESENCE OF A PAID TRAINER-TRAINER
A Practice Expand The Box Training only qualifies as an official Practice Expand The Box if one of the listed Trainer-Trainers is there in your Practice Expand The Box Training space through the whole training from start to finish. It is recommended that you organize with the Trainer-Trainer for them to be present the day before the Practice Expand The Box starts and to stay half-a-day after the Practice Expand The Box ended (for a 'morning after' check-in).
The Trainer-Trainer is not one of the participants. They sit outside the circle of chairs in a way that does not disturb the Space.
The job of the Trainer-Trainer is:- to witness your Shift Of Identity into someone who can deliver Expand The Box Training.
- to give you Feedback and Coaching during the breaks about what worked, what did not work, what you saw, what you missed, who you were, who you could become, and Experiments to try during the next sessions.
- to provide your with a clear 'Go' or 'Beep' at the end of the Practice Expand The Box (see 'Beep-Shift-Go' or 'Go' Section below for clarity about this).
The Trainer-Trainer does NOT NECESSARILY provide feedback and coaching during the session, unless the space is held in a way that is not transformational or even detrimental to the participants. Then the Trainer-Trainer immediately intervenes, and perhaps offering the possibility of a Do-Over or whatever they sense is necessary.
The Trainer-Trainer is the 'janitor' of the Practice Expand The Box. They are your 'safety net' if something 'goes wrong'. For clarity, an intervention on their part does not mean that you cannot receive a 'Go' at the end of your Practice Expand The Box. But it might. With the Trainer-Trainer in the space you are cleared to play Full Out... as Trainers do.
The exchange of value with the Trainer-Trainer who sits in at your Practice Expand The Box training is a fee of 1000 Euros (+tax (if applicable) + covering travel, food, and overnight expenses). This must be paid to the Trainer-Trainer well BEFORE the Practice Expand The Box begins.
'Beep-Shift-Go' or a 'Go'
If you receive a 'Go' from the Trainer-Trainer, this means you have successfully delivered your Practice Expand The Box: you are ready enough to be an Expand The Box Trainer, you can deliver fully paid Expand The Box Training that are recognized as entry way for the Possibility Labs, you are welcomed into the Possibility Management Trainer Guild and you can have a Trainer profile on the (for extra cost).
If you receive a 'Beep-Shift-Go', this means you receive specific feedback about which shift-identity processes you still need to go through and which skills are still missing for you to become someone who can deliver Expand The Box Trainings. You also receive coaching about how to train the skills and go through the shift processes. You CANNOT deliver fully paid Expand The Box Trainings that are doorways to Possibility Labs. You do not enter the Possibility Management Trainer Guild.
The Possibility Management Trainer Guild continues to support you on your Evolutionary journey. Nobody can go through the shift-processes for you. And nobody can stop you from going through this shift-processes. It might be useful for you to know that one Expand The Box Trainers did 3 Practice Expand The Box Trainings before getting a full 'Go' and now is a successful Expand The Box Trainer. Their commitment to their own evolution is changing people's lives.
Ove the years we have noticed that during a Practice Expand The Box training there is a chance that the Practicing Trainer might actually jack-in to their Bright Principles - at least temporarily - while delivering their Practice Expand The Box.
Bright Principles are archetypal forces of nature, not to be trifled with. This is a warning that the entire world and the universe, including the Training Space, can suddenly shift into a radically different sort of functionality for you the Apprentice Trainer.
This means that the world starts working in a different way than it ever did before. The difference is difficult to describe - and it is not helpful to try to describe - because any attempt that the Practice ETB Trainer to 'cause' the shift from their understanding is only harmful and blocks the possibility. We write this to you now in case the jacking-in happens to you, not to worry about it. It will stay or not stay. It will be massive or subtle. It will feel terrifying or feel ecstatic.
Often they describe the experience as, on the one hand, deeply disorienting, and on the other hand, deeply energizing and inspiring.
After the training, the world works different for them. They have been somehow amplified, broadened, encouraged, multiplied, expanded, and somehow internally ignited. Plus it turns out this experience does not diminish in intensity after the Training ends.
These new Trainers say that after a while they become more accustomed to a new sense of 'being the Space' through which their Bright Principles can do their work in the world, but the new sense of 'mission' and 'certainty' never goes away. Being jacked-in to your Bright Principles is a designed-in Archetypal human capacity, but it only initiates in the decontaminated Adult Ego State.
If your Bright Principles do or do not jack-in during your Practice Expand The Box training, it does not mean anything.
We write this warning to you so that you have a name for a possibly 'very weird feeling' set of perception shifts that might or might not occur, so that you 'do not drive off the road and crash' if it happens to you. The wobbly instability in the space does not last too long before you get used to it. You are designed to jack-in to your Bright Principles as one of your Adulthood Initiatory Processes. Nobody explains this to us. It has now been explained to you. Good luck.
The one thing we recommend for sure is that if your Bright Principles jack-in to your Being and/or your Energetic Body, write down what happened in your Beep! Book as soon as possible. Do not write down what it means to you, what you think or feel about it, what may or may not be the result. Only write down what happened as clearly as you can. The recommendation comes from the experience that if this is something you want to have happened, write it down. If you do not write it down, it did not happen.
Over the last years, a new practice has emerged: the 'Practice-Practice Expand The Box'.
The Practice-Practice Expand The Box could be a preparatory step for your Practice Expand The Box.
The Practice-Practice Expand The Box has very similar conditions to the Practice Expand The Box with three main differences:
- Your Feedback Spaceholder does not need to be one of the Trainer-Trainers on the list below.
- Your Feedback Spaceholder does not necessarily receive any money in exchange for being your Feedback Spaceholder, however, donations are probably allowed.
- Participants of a Practice-Practice Expand The Box Training DO NOT get access to Possibility Lab, and they CANNOT go to an Expand The Box Training for half-price. Participating in a Practice-Practice Expand The Box Training DOES NOT qualify the Participant as having fulfilled the requirement of attending an official Expand The Box Training as preparation for Possibility Labs.
We strongly recommend that you clearly explain these limitations in detail to your Practice-Practice Expand The Box Training Participants BEFORE they enroll in your Training so as to avoid any sense of miscommunication down the line.Steps
1Enter The Possibilitator Training
Your first step on your path to deliver your Practice Expand The Box is to enter the Possibilitator Training: a global Team of Edgeworking genius-types on the Path of becoming fully effective Possibilitators.
To enter the Possibilitator Training, please reach out to Vera Franco - guardian and spaceholder of the Possibilitator Training.
Together Possibilitators heal and transform their inner structures to consciously collaborate with Gaia.
On this path, you will be Upgrading Human Thoughtware starting with your own, delivering Processes for others both on the Path and in life, and building bridges to archearchy - the 'next culture' - by activating our own Gaian Gameworlds.
Possibilitator Training opens doors to many Specialties needed in Archiarchal cultures. Only one of those Specialties is Trainer Path.
The core purpose of Trainer Path is to train Expand The Box Trainers, Possibility Lab Trainers, ETB-Trainer Trainers, PLab Trainer Trainers, and Trainer-Trainer Trainers, etc...
When it is clear that one of your services for Gaia is to deliver Expand The Box Training, this will also be obvious and visible to others in the Trainer Path.
3Enter The Possibilitator Specialty: Trainer Path
Entering the Trainer Path from the Possibilitator Training requires that you have the following 10 consequences already happening in your Life:
0. You have exited working for a corporation and modern culture schooling systems (University).
1. You are able to feel consciously. You can distinguish between your feelings and your emotions. You use your feelings for handling things. You use your emotions to go through emotional healing processes with your Teams.
2. You are able to commit beyond your comfort zone. For example, you have committed to participated in 10 Possibility Labs and 5 Expand The Box Trainings.3. You attend and hold space for a regular weekly Possibility Team for at least 3 months before entering the Trainer Path, or Study Group, or Adventure Feelings Group.
4. You attend and hold space for a 3/3/3 Anger Team (followed by 3/3/3 Fear) before entering the Trainer Path.
5. You have been on a Week- (or 10-Day or Month-) Long Emotional Experiment Team, one time as spaceholder and one time as a client.
6. You write one article or make one video or interview or write one website / month about a distinction, a practice, an experiment, a thoughtmap, or a process.
7. You have made your personal website listing Possibility Management as one of the context from which your work emerges with a sign-up link for your Newsletter
8. You send out a regular monthly newsletter plus ongoingly feed and grow your circle.
9. You prepare yourself to hold regular Rage Clubs by attending at least 2 Introductions to Rage Club, a Rage Club Series and eventually a Rage Club Spaceholder Training.
10. Your deliver regular (5/week) single coaching sessions for emotional healing processes.
4Go Through The 99 Shift Processes
Upon entering the Trainer Path, start enthusiastically and thoroughly going through the 99 shift processes listed below in the '99 Shifts' section.
These 99 shift processes are necessary initiations to become someone who can deliver Expand the Box Trainings.
These 99 shift process are as much stepping stones on your journey as deeply nourishing food for your 5-body and Trainer Being.
If you are not deeply fed by these transformational processes, it is possible that you are still in the School Prison (one of the 8 Prisons) trying to complete the assignments to make the 'teacher' happy. You are still in survival. Get yourself out of school and start over with your 99 shift processes, this time letting yourself be fed by the transformational processes.
It is also possible that along this path you discover that your Archetypal Lineage service is not to deliver Expand The Box Training. Your Archetypal Lineage and Being are fed by something else than the Trainer Path. Realizing what you don't want is getting a step closer to what you really want. If getting closer to what you want (and are) is the results of being on the Trainer Path, this is a complete success! It is possible that you would leave the Trainer Path, maybe join again the Possibilitator Training and find your true specialty. Shift-Go! Yes!5It's Time
At the appropriate time, a member of the Possibility Management Infinity Ring Trainer-Trainer Node will contact you with the message, "It is time for you to deliver your Practice ETB."
If you think you should have been contacted, and you were not, you are welcome to contact someone from the Trainer Trainer Node. You will find them listed at the Trainer Guild website: The deal is, they will be very clear about what is exactly not ready about you. If you make this call, you would need to be prepared to receive this clarity, and more importantly, you would need to be prepared to responsibly do something about making the changes they specify. If you think you can argue your way through this conversation, you are essentially sending yourself back to zero. This is a very precious space, not to be fed to your Gremlin or your Child Ego State Contamination of your Adult Ego State. No, thank you.
6Practice ETB Logistics
If you have received the "It is time..." call from the Infinity Ring Trainer Training Node, you will be given an 'Expand The Box Starter Kit' that contains a check-list of materials you will need for your Practice Expand The Box, logistics letter templates, Expand The Box Handbook in PDF, and a template for a 3-Day Expand The Box Design.
The Trainer-Training Node will decide amongst themselves which of them will sit at your Practice Expand The Box to give you Feedback & Coaching and eventually a 'Beep' or a 'Go'. Deciding which Trainer-Trainer will sit at your Practice Expand The Box is not your choice. Only Trainers in the Trainer-Training Node are qualified to sit at your Practice ETB.
Good luck to you!
Practice Setting Context for your Practice Practice Expand The Box #1
If it was not clear before, becoming an Expand The Box takes ... practice.
Practice Setting Context for your Practice Practice Expand The Box #2
If it was not clear before, becoming an Expand The Box takes ... practice.
Map Delivery #1: Map of Culture & Responsibility
Map delivery requires being absurdly effective in many skills at the same time, including but not limited to: holding space, navigating space, being in contact with your people, memetic speaking, storytelling, examplifying, discovering, ... as well as precision, empowerment, expanding clarity, creating new possibility, building bridges to Next Culture, and humour!
Map Delivery #2: Map of Mixed Emotions
Map delivery requires being absurdly effective in many skills at the same time, including but not limited to: holding space, navigating space, being in contact with your people, memetic speaking, storytelling, examplifying, discovering, ... as well as precision, empowerment, expanding clarity, creating new possibility, building bridges to Next Culture, and humour!
Map Delivery #3: Map of Box Technology
Map delivery requires being absurdly effective in many skills at the same time, including but not limited to: holding space, navigating space, being in contact with your people, memetic speaking, storytelling, examplifying, discovering, ... as well as precision, empowerment, expanding clarity, creating new possibility, building bridges to Next Culture, and humour!
Map Delivery #4: Map of Learning Spiral (Crazy Map Making)
Map delivery requires being absurdly effective in many skills at the same time, including but not limited to: holding space, navigating space, being in contact with your people, memetic speaking, storytelling, examplifying, discovering, ... as well as precision, empowerment, expanding clarity, creating new possibility, building bridges to Next Culture, and humour!
Map Delivery #5: Map of Centering
Map delivery requires being absurdly effective in many skills at the same time, including but not limited to: holding space, navigating space, being in contact with your people, memetic speaking, storytelling, examplifying, discovering, ... as well as precision, empowerment, expanding clarity, creating new possibility, building bridges to Next Culture, and humour!
Map Delivery #6: Map of Low Drama
Map delivery requires being absurdly effective in many skills at the same time, including but not limited to: holding space, navigating space, being in contact with your people, memetic speaking, storytelling, examplifying, discovering, ... as well as precision, empowerment, expanding clarity, creating new possibility, building bridges to Next Culture, and humour!
Practice Setting Context for your Practice Practice Expand The Box #1
Map delivery requires being absurdly effective in many skills at the same time, including but not limited to: holding space, navigating space, being in contact with your people, memetic speaking, storytelling, examplifying, discovering, ... as well as precision, empowerment, expanding clarity, creating new possibility, building bridges to Next Culture, and humour!
Practice Setting Context for your Practice Practice Expand The Box #2
If it was not clear before, becoming an Expand The Box takes ... practice.
Practice Setting Context for your Practice Practice Expand The Box #1
If it was not clear before, becoming an Expand The Box takes ... practice.
Practice Setting Context for your Practice Practice Expand The Box #2
If it was not clear before, becoming an Expand The Box takes ... practice.
99 Shifts To Become Someone
Who Can Deliver Expand The Box Trainings
The purpose of you delivering a Practice Expand The Box is for your participants, the Trainer-Trainer, and you, to experience a Shift in your Identity. The question is: Who do you need to be to deliver a successful Practice Expand The Box, and thereafter, transformational initiatory Expand The Box Trainings?
The following 99 shift-in-identity processes are the ideal qualifications for a person to successfully deliver the 3-5 day high-intensity adulthood-initiation experience named Expand The Box. Of course, nobody matches the ideal because… we are human beings.
However, with over 40 years of experience learning the hard way what to avoid and what to assure while developing Expand The Box trainer skills, wouldn’t it be wise to do whatever it takes to increase Possibility in your favor?
Each of these 99 Identity Shift processes build the exact Matrix needed to become someone who can deliver Expand The Box Trainings.
Matrix Code PRACTETB.01
Prove that you have become someone who is Centered, who is Grounded and who is Bubbled. This is the beginning of first position of a Possibility Manager, in addition to have your Gremlin on a short leash and your Sword of Clarity out.
The proof can be:
- a video: you walking in a mall with your Center, Grounding Cord and Bubble in which the mall shoppers walk around your Bubble while you keep your center and connection with Gaia
- a website: write three sections of the First Position website, landing distinction, transforming the reader to move into first position. Get access to the website through Clinton or Anne-Chloé.
- a STARR: a 8-to-10 minute video landing in the viewer the experience of starting each day in First Position all the while demonstrating your stand.
Link your PROOF when logging in Matrix Point PRACTETB.01 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
http://yourbubbleofspace.mystrikingly.com2. COMPLETED THREE MONTHS OF 3/3/3 ANGER
Matrix Code PRACTETB.02
In addition to completing the 3-3-3 by yourself and for yourself, you have held space for a Team of edgeworkers to complete the 3/3/3 Anger initiation. As the spaceholder, one of you job is to also provide feedback and coaching when needed to your Team members so they can experience the shift possible during the 3/3/3 Anger.
The purpose of the 3/3/3 Initiation is to upgrade your nervous system to it can experience conscious Anger between 0-100% at any moment for no reason. During the 3/3/3, your and your Teammates' Anger will mature from a childish, parental or Gremlin Anger towards Adult anger. Provide the necessary feedback, and ask for feedback and coaching for this shift to actually happens.Prove that you have completed the 3-3-3 Anger Initiation. The proof can be:
- a collage: 36 photos for every time you have completed 3 minutes Anger 3 times a week for 3 months
- a video montage of your 3-3-3 initiation
- an article in the format of journal entry of each time you have completed 3 minutes Anger 3 times a week for 3 months
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.02 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
Matrix Code PRACTETB.03
In addition to completing the 3-3-3 Fear by yourself and for yourself, you have held space for a Team of edgeworkers to complete the 3/3/3 Fear initiation. As the spaceholder, one of you job is to also provide feedback and coaching when needed to your Team members so they can experience the shift possible during the 3/3/3 Fear.
The purpose of the 3/3/3 Initiation is to upgrade your nervous system to it can experience conscious Fear between 0-100% at any moment for no reason. During the 3/3/3, you and your Teammates will probably start being afraid of your fear. The maturation of the Fear is to welcome Fear as Fear, and to recognize the immense energy and information that your fear has for you. Coach others, and ask for coaching for yourself to experience such shift.Prove that you have completed the 3-3-3 Fear Initiation. The proof can be:
- a collage of 36 photos for every time you have completed 3 minutes Fear 3 times a week for 3 months
- a video montage of your 3-3-3 initiation
- an article in the format of journal entry of each time you have completed 3 minutes Fear 3 times a week for 3 months
Post a link to your online proof when registering the Matrix Point PRACTETB.03 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
Matrix Code PRACTETB.04
In Verbal Reality, your experience of the world, of others and of yourself is limited to the words that you know. In Verbal Reality, you must name an experience, package it in something that your mind can understand to survive. Life in Verbal Reality is linear, lifeless and in only one body.
Expand The Box is a 5-body, multi-dimensional Experiential space. Delivering Expand The Box from Verbal Reality is a betrayal of the work other's have done before you in the context of Possibility Management and it is a betrayal of the Possibility that could be created for your participants.
Prove that you have shifted from Verbal Reality to Experiential Reality. The proof can be:
- a video of yourself shifting from Verbal Reality to Experiential Reality
- an article shining the light on the extraordinary life lived in Experiential Reality
- a video holding space for others to enter Experiential Reality
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.04 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
Matrix Code PRACTETB.05
In school, you learn defensive learning. You are groomed to only learn things that already fit into your present understanding. This is the case of all your participants too - unless than have been unschooled (and even then). Expand The Box almost only provides knowledge (and experience) continent that do not match any of the pre-existing knowledge (or experience) of your participants.
In addition, your participants might bring knowledge continents that you do not know about and do not fit into the Expand The Box knowledge continents. If you have not shifted to Expansive Learning you will filter out, fight against and push out these knowledge continents from your participants.Prove that you have shifted to Expansive Learning:
- Write an article about how you are holding, right now, within yourself, two knowledge continents that you are not connected to each other and even maybe contradict each other; and your experience of this
- Make a video demonstrating Expansive Learning
- Make a piece of art that demonstrate Expansive Learning
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.05 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
Matrix Code PRACTETB.06
On your path, you will travel though 5-body liquid states. You will make discoveries almost every day. You will travel through the level of one distinctions many times. You might have already figure out that on this path of evolution, you often do not remember who you were 3 months ago.
If you do not write along the way your discoveries, your liquid states, your new decisions, your new identities, the new territories that you've been through, they are lost. When each of the steps that you've taken could be (is certainly) useful for somebody else who will walk to path behind you.
On the Trainer Path, it is one of your jobs to leave signs, and stakes in the territories that you have visited for other walkers to find them later (or even for you to look back on the journey that you have taken). It is also how you build your circles. Your circle is made of many people who are walking in the territories that you have walked so you can offer guidance.The discoveries, especially the Feedback and Coaching, that you receive are articles to be written, videos to be made, processes to be written up.
Prove that you are ongoingly documenting your discoveries and feedback in your Beep! Book. The proof can be:
- a photo of your past 5 Beep! Books, including some photos from some of your notes inside
- an 3-page article about one of the feedback / discovery that you have made and wrote into one of your Beep! Books
- a poem from your experience of reading through your old Beep! Books and discoveries
- a book emerging from the feedback and discoveries of your Beep! Books
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.06 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
Matrix Code PRACTETB.07
Your Possibility Team is the central seed of Your Circle.
As you water your Circle seed and give it sun and nutrients, Your Circle grows.
Your Possibility Team is the ideal safe and dangerous space for you to practice holding space ongoingly. Experiment with how to create a space that is attractive through offering real value, real connection, real Team Work.
Your Possibility Team is your home.Prove that you have held a Possibility Team for at least one year. The proof can be:
- a link to a calendar where you advertise your Possibility Team
- a testimony from a long term participant of your Possibility Team
- the link to your Possibility Team website and the experiments you have done
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.07 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
Matrix Code PRACTETB.08
This shift-process can be done during your Possibility Team meetings.
Prove that you have read and done one SPARK-Experiment weekly for 52 weeks. The proof can be:
- a link to the recordings of your 52 SPARK Experiment space, or
- an article in the form of a journal entry with 52 entry for each week, with a report on the results and discovery of the experiment
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.08 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
Matrix Code PRACTETB.09
Please first read the & listen to the recording of the Practice Space: Taking Care of Your 5 Bodies (Clinton Callahan spaceholder).
Then prove that you are practicing daily consciously caring for your 5 bodies.
The proof can be a one minute checking video from one or more of your 5 bodies for 3 months. The proof is 90 videos total.
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.09 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
Matrix Code PRACTETB.10
Prove that you have rather permanently unmixed your emotions. The proof can be:
- Staying Unhookable for 2 whole weeks,
- Negotiate 5 Body Intimacy Journeys, or
- Use your Decontaminated Adult Ego State to enter the Archetypal Domains
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.10 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
Prove that you have stellated your four feelings to 100%. The proof can be:
- a date and time (or which PLab) when you have stellated each feelings,
- a video of you experiencing and expressing for 10 sec 100% big Conscious Anger, Conscious Fear, Conscious Sadness, and Conscious Joy, or
- a 3-page article about the 'Joy of Navigating your Heart Consciously'
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.11 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
Prove that you have watched all the movies of The List (plus some from the Possibilitators Training Film).
The proof is a quote from each movie.
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.12 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
Prove that you are finished being born, which is exiting one of the 8 Prisons to escape to enter the Free and Natural Adult Egostate. The proof can be:
- on your website, there are 10 worktalks recording of you holding space for Transformative, Chaordic, and Healing spaces for others to enter the Free and Natural Adult Egostate. The themes of the worktalks can be various and diverse.
- an article or an journal entry on your process of withdrawing your expectation on Gaia that things should be different than what they are
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.13 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
Prove that you have taken back your authority from your father. The proof can be:
- a extract from a recording where you absolutely refuse to give your center away to a male
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.14 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
15. Gotten Out of Your Parent's Bubble
There are many hints that would prove that you are still in your parent's bubble: you still have clothes in your parent's house, you still wear the same clothes that they bought for you, you go to the same church, you buy the same brand of jam or yogurt as you parent's bought, you set the table or eat at the same time as you did in your parent's house, you celebrate the same holidays as they did in the same way, you surround yourself with the same kind of people as your parent's friends, you are doing the job that your parents wanted you to do, you still accept money from your parents (or from the government, after all your parents pay taxes - you only receive their money indirectly), or you still know that worse come to worse they will be the ones to save you from financial or social crisis, ...
If any of this is still happening in your life, you have not exited your parent's bubble.Prove that you got out of your parent's bubble. The proof can be a link to:
- a letter from your parents asserting that you are not doing any of the things listed above
- etc...
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.15 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
16. Decontaminate Your Adult Ego State From Your Gremlin And Child Ego State
Prove that you have decontaminated your adult ego state from your Gremlin Ego State and your Child Ego State to a large degree. The proof can be a link to:
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.16 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
18. Read And Practice The Entire Distinctionary
Prove that you have read and studied the entire distinctionary as food for your 5 bodies (and not as a task to complete). The proof can be a link to:
- a series of videos where you read out loud the distinctionary as well as adding your questions and comments. This can be part of a Study Group of the distinctionary
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.18 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
19. Make Your Website (And Update It Regularly)
Prove that you have made your own website, which includes a live link to:
- Possibility Management -
- Possibility Coach -
- Member of the Possibility Management Trainer Path -
The proof is a link to your website.
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.19 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
20. Do At Least 50 Emotional Healing Processes For Yourself
Prove that you have asked and done for yourself at least 50 emotional healing processes. The proof can be a link to:
- a short report on each of the 50 transformational processes: a sentence of the result of the transformation, a new decision, a block removed, a shift in your energy design, etc...
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.20 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
21. Participate in 5 Expand The Box Trainings
Prove that you have participated in 5 Expand The Box Trainings with a variety of Trainers. The proof is:
- the dates of each Expand The Box and the name(s) of the Trainer(s) who delivered it
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.21 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
22. Live In A Clear Distinction Between Your Box and Your Being
23. Shoot All The Voices - Live In A Voice-Free World
Prove that you have shot all the Voices with your Voice Blaster and keep shooting all the Voices. The proof can be a link to:
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.23 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
Matrix Code PRACTETB.24
Escaping Patriarchy is willingly giving up on the rewards that the capitalist patriarchal empire provides you in exchange for your life: certainty of knowning, being right, being first, having a big house, a new car, a new phone, certificates to put on your walls, trophies, the husband who makes money, the wife who cares for the children, putting children in school, weight loss programs, a trustworthy head of state, ...
Prove that you have escaped Patriarchy. The proof can be a link to:
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.24 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
25. Go Through At Least 2 Family Constellations
When born in your family, you were passed down the secrets, the burden, the intrigues, the ties that you parents, gran-parents, gran-gran-parents and so on have tide in their life times. These knots and ties from the past are blocks to your own lightness and freedom of movement. Family constellations is a necessary initiation on your Trainer Path.
Prove that you have been through at least 2 Family Constellations, one on each side of your family (mother & father).
The proof is the dates of your family constellations and the name(s) of the facilitator(s).Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.25 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
26. Grow Up: Complete All Steps Of The Mom and Dad Process
Prove that you have completed all your steps of the Mom and Dad Process. You have exited your mom's belly. You have taken your authority from your father. You have exited your parent's bubble. You have taken back your center from what you mother and your father wanted you to be. You are no longer hookable by your father or your mother. You have non-conflictual relationship with your father and your mother. You have put both your mother and your father behind you, as ancestors, in your energetic field. You have found one thing you admire about your father and your mother, and that is the story you carry about them.
The proof can be:
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.26 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
Matrix Code PRACTETB.27
Do whatever Emotional Healing Processes are necessary to do accomplish these lifestyle changes. If nicotine or alcohol or Tetra Hydra Cannabinol (THC - the addictive element in marijuana) have your Attention, then the Clients and the Training Spaces do not.
To precisely inform your Gremlin: beer and wine are alcohol. 'Alcohol-free' beer still contains 1% alcohol.
If your unTransformed Gremlin or unDecontaminated Adult Ego State have your Attention, then your Transformational Spaces do not.
If your brain is on psychopharmaceuticals, then who owns your brain? Who are you really?
(NOTE: Devin Gleeson is offering shift spaces and shift support for the brain-drug transition. For information, please check HERE and contact Devin through his website.)
The drugged condition is out of Integrity with Navigating the Healing and Initiatory spaces of Expand The Box Training.
Drinking alcohol and smoking anything are major Gremlin foods. They are far too costly energy-wise for a Possibility Management Trainer.
Sorry. There is no way around this requirement. Hello.
After one year of total abstinence, please register Matrix Code PRACTETB.27 in your free account at In the PROOF field, please write the name of your biggest supporter during this time. This Experiment is worth 27 Matrix Points.
28. Hold Space For 150 Emotional Healing Process
3 Phase Healing
50 unpaid.
100 paid.
Prove that you have held space for 150 Emotional Healing Process. The proof can be:
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.28 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
29. Developed The Ability To Create Linear and Nonlinear Possibility
Prove that you have develop the ability to create linear and nonlinear Possibility. The proof can be:
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.29 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
30. Exited The Linear Life Plan
Exited University as a stalling process.
Exited your job as an employee as a safety mechanism.
Escape your 10 years plan.
Close the back doors into the corporate world that you have left opened if 'Possibility Management does not work out'Prove that you have exited the Linear Life Plan. The proof can be:
Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.28 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
32. Become The Space For Your Trainer Bright Principles To Do Their Work In The World
Distilled your Bright Principles
Chosen your Bright Principles and your Destiny
You need to have some form of the following 3 “Trainer Principles” in your distilled Destiny. All three of these Trainer Bright Principles are equally important, and yet… having a razor-sharp lightening-speed flame-spitting sword of clarity seems to make a serious amount of difference…- Sword = for example, Clarity
- Heart = for example, Love
- Soul = for example, Possibility / Initiation / Transformation / Evolution.
If any of these 3 are not in your repertoire already then you will need to connect with them and develop them somehow, which requires conscious efforts and feedback and coaching from other Trainers.42. The Ability To Navigate Transformational Space
60. Faced Reality
You have read slowly and thoroughly each of the website listed below and done (or are currently doing) at least 3 experiments from each website.
What Now?:
Slay The Jabberwork:
Lead By Youth:
Every Generation:
66. Become Time
Shift to Making Time and moving faster than the speed of time rather than chasing after time and trying to find time
72. Read These 20 Books On The List
- Radiant Joy Brilliant Love (now re-printed under the title: Building Love That Lasts)
- Conscious Feelings by Clinton Callahan.
- Creating by Robert Fritz
- Choice Theory by William Glasser
- Impro by Keith Johnstone
- Self-Observation by Red Hawk
- Tribes by Seth Godin
- Mount Analogue by René Daumal
- Original Wisdom by Robert Wolff
- Secrets of the Talking Jaguar and Long Life Honey in the Heart by Martín Prechtel
- Daemon and Freedom by Daniel Suarez
- Of Water and the Spirit by Malidoma Patrice Somé
- Finite and Infinite Games by James P. Carse
- Dune by Frank Herbert
- Parent Effectiveness Training by Thomas Gordon
- Radical Parenting by Brad Blanton
- The Kin of Ata Are Waiting for You by Dorothy Bryant
- Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
- Winning Through Enlightenment by Ron Smothermon
- and you should be at least part way through reading In Search of the Miraculous by P. D. Ouspensky
To borrow some of these books, ask in the Trainer Path Library on Slack.82. Become 'Bad'
Conscious use of Gremlin. Conscious Asshole.
You can interrupt.
You can face into unconscious purposes.
You refuse to be hooked into confusion or misunderstand by other people's Gremlin.
You refuse to be Gremlin food for others.
You refuse to give up your context.
Matrix Code PRACTETB.98
This includes redesigning your Box, retraining your Gremlin, moving your Point Of Origin, Shifting Your Identity, integrating your Parts, doing whatever it takes so that the following elements of Baggage are no longer a part of your daily life:
- Denial
- Confusion
- Reasons
- Prejudices
- Projections
- Assumptions
- Conclusions
- Expectations
- Positionality
- Judgement
- Beliefs
- Stories
- Lying
- Resentment
- Manipulation
- Revenge
- Fantasy Worlds
- Reactivity
- Self Deception
- Justifications
- Hookability
After you leave behind at least 50% of your Baggage, please register Matrix Code PRACTETB.98 in your free account at Please list your 5 most difficult Baggage elements to let go of in the PROOF. This Experiment is worth 21 Matrix Points.99. Source A Context That Is More Responsible and Aware Than Your Birth Culture and Religion
Matrix Code PRACTETB.99
You carry your own culture with you everywhere you go.
Prove that you have gotten bigger than your birth culture and religion. This means that when comments are made about the boxes of your birth culture or birth religion, these comments do not apply to you. You recognize your cultural box and expand it to include your own culture.
The proof can be:Send the proof when login the Matrix Point PRACTETB.99 at This shift-process is worth 1 matrix point.
Your Practice Expand The Box Resources
Who is on your Team for you to prepare yourself to deliver your Practice Expand The Box?
It is most effective to receive feedback and coaching from as many sources as possible: people with more Matrix than yourself, people with less Matrix than yourself, your Possibility Team, your fellow Possibilitators in the Possibilitator Training, your 3Cells, your participants in your WorkTalks, Workshops, Rage Club, Fear Club, your fellow Trainer Pathers, Possibility Lab Trainers, Trainer-Trainers, and so on!
Possibilitator Training
If your Archetypal Lineage combined with your Possibilitator Training Specialty indicate that your are a Possibility Trainer, then Possibilitator Training is your Phase 1 of Trainer Path.
Here you connect-in with the Possibility Management gameworld and Practices, and you join the global Tribe of co-creators. Here is where you help each other gain Matrix, courage and Integrity to go through your 10 Doorways.
Your 'Practice ETB' 3Cell
Create for yourself a 3Cell with two other Trainer Pathers in one direction and two other Trainer Pathers in the other direction. You get to thrive at the intersection.
Set your Conscious Purpose to prepare yourself to deliver your Practice Expand The Box Training.
The ongoing question you continuously ask each other is: "Which of the 99 Shift process are you practicing right now?"
Make Pirate Agreements to commit to each other's Commitment so that you take yourself into Breakdowns and Breakthroughs.Your Trainer Path
Everyone in Trainer Path wants you to make it, each step of the way, no matter which step you are preparing to take. Trainer Path is an 'Infinite Game' - not played for winners and losers, but played so that the game keeps being played. It is probable that you never experienced so much positive good-hearted support before - especially not at school, probably not even in your family. How can you integrate Trainer Path 'Team Spirit' into an ordinary life? You cannot. You may need to start completely over with your life-strategies. Trainer Path is this big, wide, deep, and demanding of culture-shift. Keep doing your Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) along the way. These are so important for removing blocks, changing old unconscious decisions, and getting you back in touch with who you really are and what you really feel.
Delivering a practice Expand The Box expands your Box.
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code PRACTETB.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!